
海外英语杂志 省级期刊

Overseas English


全年订价:¥ 667.20
  • 校园枪击何时休?


      33 dead in Virginia Tech shootings 弗吉尼亚理工大学血案   In the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history, at least 33 people were killed in two separate attacks Monday at Virginia Tech, with 33-including the suspected gunman-dying in one campus building, police and university officials said.……

  • 流利英语脱口出

    作者:何迅文 刊期:2007年第06期

      1.self-multilation自我摧残   A:Joe is regressing lately.   乔最近退步了.   B:I've noticed that too,it is time when he is supposed to be taking great strides forward.……

  • 超级成语SHOW

    作者:何讯文 刊期:2007年第06期

      1.put one's foot down 坚决反对   A: What's your plan for the holiday?   假期你有什么打算?   B: I planned to go to Dubai on my own but my mother decided to put her foot down.……

  • 芝加哥遭遇29年罕见酷寒



  • 倾听……

    作者:Rachel; Naomi; Remen 刊期:2007年第06期

      I suspect that the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention. ……

  • 梦想

    作者:Author; Unknown 刊期:2007年第06期

      When we were young, we had dreams and expectations. We imagine things, we keep thinking about what we want to be, what we want to do, what makes us proud and happy and what we will become.……

  • 倘若她是天使

    作者:Tommy; Shane; Steiner 刊期:2007年第06期

      有着俊朗外貌的Tommy Shane Steinerr以纯正的乡村歌喉演唱着属于他牛仔风格的歌曲.他出道后,受到了许多前辈的关注和提携:连续11年主持乡村音乐协会年度颁奖典礼的歌星Vince Gill出人意料地为Steiner的主推曲What If She's An Angel配唱了合声."倘若她是天使"是一首对灵魂进行质问的作品.它提醒人们:关注你身边那些需要帮助的人.……

  • 动人的谎言——《大鱼》经典对白欣赏

    作者:常韦娜 刊期:2007年第06期


  • 颜色文化——蓝绿色

    作者:潘晨曦 刊期:2007年第06期

      清新和成熟   蓝绿色是蓝色和绿色的混合色,代表一种甜美的女性特质,而较深的蓝绿色则于甜美中增添了成熟.   蓝绿色的特性   同蓝色和绿色一样,深浅不一的蓝绿色有令人平和恬静的效果.……

  • 我相信……


      For you my friend...   I believe-that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.   I believe-that no matter how good a friend is they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.……

  • 茶道

    作者:YOLANDE; DEVERE 刊期:2007年第06期

      Scientists at Harvard University have found a way to boost your immune system:a small cup of tea, five times a day.……

  • 校园中的流浪者[五]

    作者:Andy; Adams 刊期:2007年第06期

      Hunting, in which the young man was an apt scholar, was now the order of the day. Tiburcio was an artist in woodcraft as well as in his knowledge of the habits of animals and birds. On chilly or disagreeable days they would take out the pack of dogs and beat the thickets for the javeline. It was exciting sport to...

  • 一次不可思议的经历

    作者:文立新 刊期:2007年第06期

      It was a busy scene in the street when the Spring Festival was drawing near. I was helping my wife sell the goods at her stand when there were too many buyers around. One old woman, with her both hands occupied, was picking out trousers all by herself. She was wandering which one to take.She spent so long in choo...

  • 冒险初体验

    作者:孟径舟 刊期:2007年第06期

      All the books about the twelve signs of the zodiac say that Leo is the most adventurous one. It is indeed true, because it is typically embodied in my character. In my memory, I began my first adventure at the age of six.……

  • 时尚女孩最爱说的5句口语

    作者:严双红 刊期:2007年第06期

      1.Yoba!对啊.   这是她们创造出来的语言,也是我最常听她们说的单词之一,基本上呢,Yoba就是Yes的意思,比如她们会说,"Do you like to go swimming with us?"我就可以回答,"Yoba!"但是这不是正式的英文,纯粹是好玩.……