首页 期刊 中华医院管理 医学科研机构应慎重使用SCI及影响因子评价科研成果 【正文】


医学科研机构   使用   影响因子   因子评价   科研成果  

摘要:我国科研论文、科研成果的评估已经普遍将SCI收录及其影响因子的高低作为主要指标.SCI和影响因子是定量评价期刊水平的量化指标,将其原封不动地用来评价科研成果,其科学性有待探讨.科研机构的管理人员应正确认识、慎重使用SCI及影响因子,引导研究者根据论文的实际情况选择适合的投稿期刊. Abstract: It is a popular practice for Chinas academia to regard SCI(Science Citation Index)and its IF(Impact Factor)as fundamental indexes for research competency evaluatiop.This article however holds that SCI and IF are but quantitative measurements for evaluating periodicals,and whether it is scientific to evaluate research results with such indexes as they are remains to be jusfified.It also suggests that practitioners in research organizations fully comprehend the meaning of SCI and IF,and use them correctly,so as to guide researchers to contribute their works to proper publishers.


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