
数学学报杂志 北大期刊 CSCD期刊 统计源期刊

Acta Mathematica Sinica(Chinese Series)


全年订价:¥ 1000.00
  • Strong Laws of Large Numbers for Double Sums of Banach Space Valued Random Elements

    作者:Robert; PARKER; Andrew; ROSALSKY 刊期:2019年第05期

  • On Duality in Filtered Cohomologies

    作者:Hua; Zhong; KE 刊期:2019年第05期

    For a symplectic manifold (M^2n,ω) without boundary (not necessarily compact), we prove Poincaré type duality in filtered cohomology rings of differential forms on M, and we use this result to obtain duality between (d+d^Λ)-and dd^Λ-cohomologies.

  • On Grauert–Riemenschneider Type Criteria

    作者:Zhi; Wei; WANG 刊期:2019年第05期

    Let (X,ω) be a compact Hermitian manifold of complex dimension n. In this article, we first survey recent progress towards Grauert-Riemenschneider type criteria. Secondly, we give a simplified proof of Boucksom's conjecture given by the author under the assumption that the Hermitian metric ω satisfies ■■ω^l=for all...

  • Bayesian Estimation of Large Precision Matrix Based on Cholesky Decomposition

    作者:Fan; Qun; LI; Xin; Sheng; ZHANG 刊期:2019年第05期

    In this paper, we consider the estimation of a high dimensional precision matrix of Gaussian graphical model. Based on the re-parameterized likelihood, we obtain the full conditional distribution of all parameters in Cholesky factor. Furthermore, by imposing the prior information, we obtain the shrinkage Bayesian est...

  • Simple Minimum (K4-e)-coverings of Complete Multipartite Graphs

    作者:Yu; Feng; GAO; Yan; Xun; CHANG; Tao; FENG 刊期:2019年第05期

    A decomposition of Kn(g)∪Γ, the complete n-partite equipartite graph over gn vertices union a graph Γ(called the excess) that is a subgraph of Kn(g), into edge disjoint copies of a graph G is called a simple minimum group divisible covering of type g^n with G if Γ contains as few edges as possible. We examine all po...

  • On Derived Unique Gentle Algebras

    作者:Yu; Zhe; LIU; Chao; ZHANG 刊期:2019年第05期

    An algebra A is called derived-unique provided that any algebra which is derived equivalent to A is necessarily Morita equivalent to A. We classify derived-unique gentle algebras with at most one cycle using the combinatorial invariant introduced by Avella-Alaminos and Geiss.

  • The Mean-value of Meromorphic Functions with Respect to a Generalized Boolean Transformation

    作者:Nattiwut; MAUGMAI; Teerapat; SRICHAN 刊期:2019年第05期

    A formula for the mean-value distribution of certain meromorphic functions on a vertical line s=σ+iR under a generalized Boolean transformation, called rational Boolean transformation from R into itself, is derived using Birkhoff's ergodic theorem. This formula is represented as a computable integral. Using the Cauch...

  • Biholomorphic Mappings and the Extension Operators on New Hartogs Domains

    作者:Yan; Yan; CUI; Chao; Jun; WANG; Hao; LIU 刊期:2019年第05期

    In this paper, we generalize the Roper-Suffridge operator on the extended Hartogs domains. By using the geometric properties and the growth theorems of subclasses of biholomorphic mappings, we obtain the generalized operators preserve the properties of parabolic and spirallike mappings of type β and order ρ, SΩ*(β, A...

  • M?bius Regular Maps of Order pq

    作者:Fu; Rong; WANG; Shao; Fei; DU 刊期:2019年第05期

    M?bius regular maps are surface embeddings of graphs with doubled edges such that (i) the automorphism group of the embedding acts regularly on flags and (ii) each doubled edge is a center of a Mobius band on the surface. In this paper, we classify M?bius regular maps of order pq for any two primes p and q, where p≠...

  • On Consistency of the Nearest Neighbor Estimator of the Density Function and Its Applications

    作者:Yi; WU; Xue; Jun; WANG 刊期:2019年第05期

    In this paper, we mainly study the consistency of the nearest neighbor estimator of the density function based on asymptotically almost negatively associated samples. The weak consistency, strong consistency, uniformly strong consistency and the convergence rates are established under some mild conditions. As applica...

  • EnglishSeries


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