
阅读杂志 省级期刊


全年订价:¥ 676.00
  • 英语角

    作者:王昕忞; 张璇(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

    Hello,I’m Katerina.在我们美丽的校园内,有着丰富多彩的英语活动.Now,let’s go and have a look.每每学学期期,南京大学海外交流学院的哥哥姐姐们会会为为我我们们上上生生动动活活泼泼的的英英语语课课。看,同学们听得多认认真真,每个人都跃跃欲试:Let me try,let me try.

  • 快乐的万圣狂欢夜


    Are you ready to have some fun?October 31is Halloween(万圣节前夜).It is an interesting and scary(恐怖的)festival in the West(西方).People make scary things and wear special(特别的)clothes on Halloween.Lots of kids like it very much.What do they do on that day?

  • 我的宠物是只八爪鱼

    作者:昕慧 刊期:2017年第77期


  • 疯狂动物城

    作者:徐小红 刊期:2017年第77期

    如今,Zootopia(疯狂动物城)安定平和,动物们生活美满幸福。兔子Judy和狐狸Nick穿着帅气的警服,在繁华的大街上巡逻。Judy:I’m going to make the city more beautiful.(我打算让城市变得更加美丽.)Nick:What?What are you going to do?(什么?

  • 字母a的发音(二)


  • Sunshine in My Heart②

    作者:孙婷 刊期:2017年第77期

    Look Back:上期中,新同学Lily拿着心爱的礼物开心地走回家。途中,她遇到了同班同学Nick。Nick一心想和Lily套近乎,可是却没注意到身后快要撞上他的搬运工。情急之下,Lily猛地推开了Nick,他们会安然无恙么?请继续欣赏来自江苏省泰州市高港实验小学的同学们的精彩表演。

  • 谚语秀一秀


    学习谚语是习得地道英语的途径之一。精练是谚语的特点,往往通过一个短小的句子,我们就能学到大大的道理呢.1.Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.今日事,今日毕。

  • 走进科学


    Why can a cactus live in the desert?为什么仙人掌能在炎热的沙漠里存活?A cactus(仙人掌)doesn’t need much water.It is also good at storng(储存)water.When it gets some water,it stores in its body.And its sharp(锋利的)spines(刺)keep animals from stealing(偷)its water.

  • 新闻播报


    An Amazing Dress英国11岁女孩打造橡皮筋裙子Colorful rubber bands(橡皮筋)are now popular(流行的).Kids love to use them to make things.What do you usually make?A ring(戒指)or a bracelet(手链)?A girl in the UK made a dress.Her name is Abigail Baker.She is 11 years old.

  • My School

    作者:陈子嫣; 华隽(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

    My school is very big and beautiful.There are many trees and flowers in it.And there is a big playground in my school.We often fly kites and do sports there.Beside the playground,there are three teaching buildings.On the first floor,there are music rooms and art rooms.I like Music very much.And there is a big library...

  • My School

    作者:顾韩宇; 曹力元(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

    Hello,my name is Gu Hanyu.I am a primary student.Let me introduce my school to you.It is big and beautiful.You can see some trees,flowers and a lake in my school.There are two tall buildings in my school.They’re very modern.There are a lot of students and teachers.

  • My School

    作者:卢颖; 邱晶晶(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

  • My School

    作者:冯千懿; 姜琴琴(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

    There is a big and beautiful school in my hometown.That’s Juegang Primary School.I’m a student of Grade Five.There is a big playground in my school.We can do exercises and play games there.It’s a nice place where we left a lot of laughter.There are sixty classrooms in our school.My classroom is on the second floor...

  • My School

    作者:张文慧; 司马亚琴(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

    My school is not very big but it is very clean and beautiful.There are many trees and flowers in our school.There are about 700students and more than 60 teachers in my school.There is a large playground in front of the red teaching building.

  • My School

    作者:周淼; 何静虹(指导) 刊期:2017年第77期

    My name is Zhou Miao.I study at Zao Linwan Primary School.It’s very beautiful.There’s a great playground and a library.We can see a lot of flowers and trees.We can also hear the birds singing in the morning.Look,there are three buildings in my school.