
大学英语杂志 省级期刊

College English


  • 我书之去向

    作者:William; Butler; Yeats; 付文中 刊期:2019年第06期


  • 加州饭店为对抗气候变化增收费用

    作者:Ryan; Prior; 李晓娟 刊期:2019年第06期

    People eating out at California restaurants may start to see an optional2 1% surcharge added to their bill. The money will go to a public fund that helps farmers who use practices3 that reduce carbon in the atmosphere.To participate in the Restore California Renewable Restaurant program, eateries4 can choose to add a...

  • 观赏与珍惜:换个视角看名胜

    作者:Steven; Simpson 刊期:2019年第06期

    In the year 2000, I visited Cambodia s Angkor Wat. The magnificent Khmer temple is the largest religious monument in the world and the most breathtaking building I've ever seen. Nothing else comes close. Then in early 2019, I visited Vat Phou1 in Laos. Vat Phou also is an archeological relic of the impressive. At Ang...

  • 后现代科学和西方文明

    作者:William; H.; Young; 胡凯 刊期:2019年第06期

    Much of the American academy1 has come to reject the concept of natural science developed by Western civilization and has replaced it with postmodern ideology2. Most importantly, this misguided contempt for Western science has contributed to placing America in a non-competitive and perilous3 position relative to othe...

  • 了解四种最常见的愤怒情绪

    作者:Preston; Ni; 沈莹 刊期:2019年第06期

    Most people feel angry from time to time. Many may also find themselves on the receiving end1 of those who lash out2 in anger. How we handle anger (be it our own or3 someone else's) can make the difference between calmness versus agitation4, proactive5 versus reactive6, and equanimity7 versus suffering.

  • 和托马斯·品钦一起打桥牌(下)

    作者:Thomas; Schaub; 张晶晶 刊期:2019年第06期

    Things did not delay in turning more curious yet. Between 1032 and 1036 was a driveway, two strips2 of cement for car wheels, weeds growing between them. Why not? I asked myself, might as well. Sure enough, in back of 1032 Bancroft Way was a small white bungalow with a few wooden steps up to a door, on which were tac...

  • 父母爱唠叨,娃儿智商高

    作者:Connor; Boyd; 马玉坤 刊期:2019年第06期

    Being a chatterbox could boost3 your child 's intelligence, according to new research. It found youngsters exposed to large amounts of speech by their parents had higher IQs and better cognitive4 skills. The children, aged two to four, also tended to have better non-verbal skills such as reasoning, numeracy and shape...

  • 迅速彻底改变焦虑状态的22个窍门(上)

    作者:Linda; Esposito; 江川 刊期:2019年第06期

    You can read all the anti-anxiety advice in the world, but none of this matters unless you take action. To feel more relaxed, to sleep soundly at night, and to put energy into what matters, you have to stop wasting time on tasks that don' t matter. By the end of this article, your life could become infinitely more pr...

  • 2018年12月大学英语六级考试阅读真题

    作者:于程 刊期:2019年第06期

    Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corre...

  • 汉译英训练(51)

    作者:李运兴 刊期:2019年第06期


  • 2018年6月大学英语六级作文试题评析(二)

    作者:马小红 刊期:2019年第06期


  • 2018年6月大学英语四级作文试题评析(三)

    作者:郭影平 刊期:2019年第06期

    这道大学英语四级作文试题要求考生阐述speaking ability的重要性,并指出如何培养这种能力。我们在下笔写这篇作文之前要认真审题。比如,准确理解题目中的关键词speaking ability对写好本文非常重要。在本题中,它既不是指流利地说一门语言的能力,也不是指演讲能力,而是指口头表达能力。我们知道,在现代社会中口头表达能力对一个人的工作和生活都...

  • 英文中与“猪”相关的语义和英文表达(二)

    作者:李绍青 刊期:2019年第06期

    在上一期,我们总结了"猪"的旧称swine与现代的统称pig的用法,在本期我们具体讨论英语中的三个"pig"的同义词--hog,sow和boar,并浅谈生肖"猪"的英译。六、hog n.食用猪,阉公猪;v.多占,独占商务印书馆《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》第9版第1038页对hog这样解释:“1.(especially AmE) a pig, especially one that is kept and made fat for eating(尤指...

  • 第9届北京国际电影节在京举行


    The ninth Beijing International Film Festival opened on the evening of April 13,2019, with 15 movies contending the Tiantan Award prizes. The festival consistedof seven major activities including an opening ceremony, a forum and a film market.Fifteen selected films worldwide were evaluated by a jury (评委会) of seven...

  • 第23届亚洲田径锦标赛中国队夺9金


    The 2019 Asian Athletics Championships was held in Doha, Qatar (卡塔尔首都多哈),21 to 24 April 2019. After four days of competition, China ended up second in the medals tally (计数)with nine golds, 13 silvers and seven bronzes. China's women's 4x100meter re/ay (接力)team (Liang Xiaojing, Wei Yongli, Kong Lingwei and ...