
大学英语杂志 省级期刊

College English


  • 我的心灵即我的王国(英文)

    作者:爱德华·代尔 陈贵才 刊期:2013年第09期

    赏析:这首诗是英国文艺复兴时期宫廷诗人爱德华·代尔(Sir Edward Dyer,1543—1607)最著名的诗篇。诗人以精炼的语言、舒缓的韵律、深湛的情思和超凡脱俗的人文风骨建构了一个和谐的心灵王国.从而唤醒人们转向内心的沉思,寻找灵魂的慰藉。

  • 五十年后的重聚

    作者:Walter Mills 方陵生(译) 刊期:2013年第09期


  • 拯救小鸟(英文)

    作者:周碧书 刊期:2013年第09期

    One day in spring four men were riding on horseback along a country road. These men were lawyers, and they were going to the next town to attend court 1 . There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft. Water was dripping from the trees, and the grass was wet. The four lawyers rode along, one behind another; for...

  • 中国房地产商正走向西方

    作者:天丰(选译) 刊期:2013年第09期

    中国的高端购房者在美国寻找的目标是什么呢?纽约、洛杉矶或旧金山的好地段;新开发的房产亮点;给孩子上大学用的临时住房——哪怕其子女如今还是学龄前儿童。当然, 如果房地产开发商雇有会讲普通话的员工并能提供房源的汉语资料, 那对拉近其与中国客户的距离将大有裨益。

  • 成败在于细节(英文)

    作者:陆玮玮(选注) 刊期:2013年第09期

    John and Bobby joined a wholesale 1 company together just after graduation from college the same year. Both worked very hard. After several years, however, the boss promoted 2 Bobby to the position of manager but John remained an ordinary employee. John could not take it any more,

  • 处理婆媳关系的关键:儿子/丈夫(英文)

    作者:路遥(选注) 刊期:2013年第09期

    Jim Brown knew he was in trouble before his mother finished asking the question."Am I a better cook than your wife?" she asked, calmly stirring a pot on the stove 1 in her kitchen.With his wife, Joy, standing next to him, Mr. Brown stammered and stuttered 2 . He prayed for a trap door to appear 3 . Finally, he did...

  • 贤妻良母:生活中的玛格丽特·撒切尔

    作者:贾建美(选注) 刘颖(审校) 刊期:2013年第09期

    唐宁街 10 号那扇黑色的大门里曾生活着玛格丽特·撒切尔夫人一家。生活中的玛格丽特·撒切尔是一位家庭主妇,一对不时招惹麻烦的双胞胎子女的母亲,而丈夫丹尼斯一直在身边默默支持着她。她在自传中写道:"若没有丹尼斯在身边,11 年多的首相生涯就无从谈起。 "这位素有"铁娘子"之称的前首相在家庭生活中同样恪守冷峻严苛的作风,她监护着马克和...

  • 英“小莫奈”画作受追捧(英文)

    作者:孙育红(选注) 刊期:2013年第09期


  • 放弃也是一种明智选择(英文)

    作者:Heidi Grant Halvorson 张丽慧 刊期:2013年第09期


  • 丹麦白领的求职新招(英文)

    作者:陆海空 刊期:2013年第09期

    Steen Mengel was walking down a busy street a few weeks ago when he stumbled onto 1 a sign reading "an available academic 2 is sitting here." An arrow pointed to people sitting in the window of a storefront 3 . The 47-year-old real-estate developer 4 didn’t have a job to offer anybody, but he was intrigued 5 . "T...

  • 何处遁形——推特信息流映射人格特征

    作者:隐屏(编译) 刊期:2013年第09期


  • 加速新陈代谢小妙招(英文)

    作者:刘晓(选注) 刊期:2013年第09期

    Ahealthy metabolism ensures the body convert 3 or use energy to maintain all the working parts of the body. Kick-start 4 your weight loss with these easy-to-follow tweaks 5 to your daily life.1. Use interval training to rev up 6 your workout.

  • 防晒霜的另一种功能:抗皱(英文)

    作者:刘梦玲(选注) 刊期:2013年第09期

    Dermatologists 3 have been telling patients for years that using sunscreen regularly can protect skin against aging. Now there’s research to back that up 4 . In a study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine 5 , researchers showed that people instructed to apply sunscreen every day showed 24% less skin aging, ...

  • 哈佛商学院女毕业生有多少退出了职场?(英文)

    作者:Lauren Everitt 陆照鸿 刊期:2013年第09期

    对哈佛商学院女毕业生的一项最新研究显示, 她们之中不少为照看孩子而放弃了全职工作。When Sheryl Sandberg returned to Harvard Business School (HBS) for a talk in 2011, her pointed 2 answer to a question from an audience of MBAs drew stunned silence 3 ."If current trends continue," Sandberg said, "15 years from today,

  • 法国红酒的渊源

    作者:T.S. 海威 刊期:2013年第09期
