首页 期刊 中国医学文摘·耳鼻咽喉科学 Fungal disease 【正文】

Fungal disease

乔建军   promoter   candida   albicans   yeast  

摘要:2005162 Analysis on partial sequence of ERG11 promoter region of Candida albicans. QIAO Jian-jun (乔建军) ,et al. Dept Dermatol 1st Affili Hosp,Jinan Univ,Guangzhou 510632. Chin J Dermatol. 2005;38 (3):160-162. Objective: To compare the difference of ERG11 partial promoter sequence ( - 440 - - 1) between yeast-form and hypha-form of Candida albicans,and the relation between the mutation of ERGll promot-


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