
中国医学工程杂志 部级期刊

China Medical Engineering


全年订价:¥ 422.40
  • Construction of multi-functional delivery system: transferrin mediated tat and drug-loaded magnetic nanoparticles

    作者:YAOPENG; ZHAOAi-jie; KANGChun-sheng; YuanXu-bo; CHANGJin; PUPei-yu 刊期:2005年第02期

    This paper describes a new formulation of magnetic nanoparticles coated by a novel polymer matrix-O-Carboxylmethylated Chitosan (O-CMC) as drug/gene carrier. The O-CMC magnetic nanoparticles were derivatized with a pepfide sequence from the HIV-tat protein and transferrin to improve the translocafional property and c...

  • Study of targeted and controlled release of 5-fluorouracil-loaded PLA nanoparticles and microspheres on treatment of gastric tumor

    作者:MAChun-bao; LIUXiao-yan; CHANGJin; WANGTao; ZHANGQing-yu 刊期:2005年第02期

    The aim of this paper was to evaluate controlled release behavior and the therapeutic efficacy of 5-FU-loaded Poly(lactic acid) (PLA)microspheres to human gastric cancer xenograf4 and the targeting effect of VEGF/5-FU loaded PLA nanoparticles. 5-FU-loaded PLA microspheres were prepared by an emulsion evaporation meth...

  • 可生物降解聚合物纳米胶囊型药物载体及组合胶囊的药物控制释放

    作者:董岸杰; 邓联东 刊期:2005年第02期


  • 用于制作于EPR氧生物传感器的功能性有机材料的调查研究

    作者:蓝闽波 刊期:2005年第02期

    纳米生物技术将纳米技术和生物技术相集成,是现代生物工程的重要组成部分.近年来,基于自然界原型的纳米生物材料、分子马达、芯片技术、纳米生物探针等纳米生物技术取得了迅速发展.本课题组参加Received date:Apr.3,2005了欧盟第六框架计划中的(NACBO)项目,它是建立在以前的研究基础之上,集中了各成员国在该研究领域的领先技术及顶尖专业技术人...

  • Research progress of triptolide-loaded nanoparticles delivery systems

    作者:YANGXiang-liang; YANGYa-jiang; XUHui-bi; CHENHua-bing; CHANGXue-ling; LIUMing-xing; MEIZhi-nan; GUOGuo-ning 刊期:2005年第02期

    This paper reviewed the study of triptolide-loaded nano delivery systems (NDOS) in our group during the past. It was investigated for the preparation, characterization, pharmacology and toxicology of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), microemulsion and polymeric nanoparticles. The results indicated that the NDS present...

  • Nanotechnology for targeted anticancer therapie

    作者:LUOYu-lin 刊期:2005年第02期

    Although many anticancer therapies are used in clinic, few are tolerable for their side effects from killing of normal cells. Seeking measures to target anticancer agents to tumors or at least tumor-located organs has been one of the major tasks for researchers. Nanotechnology is greatly helpful for full'riling this ...

  • Introduction of nano chinese medicine

    作者:ZHANGYang-de; ZOUXian-de; PANYi-feng; WANGJi-wei; LUOYu-lin 刊期:2005年第02期

    Traditional Chinese medicine has been used for thousands of years, and has been contributing to human health. It is considered as a great treasure of mankind. However, nowadays, Traditional Chinese medicine falls behind of modem medicine. It has not been accepted extensively in the worldwide. How can we change this s...

  • 纳米中药制剂

    作者:罗国安 刊期:2005年第02期


  • 雷公藤甲素纳米载药系统的研究进展

    作者:杨祥良; 杨亚江; 徐辉碧; CHEN; Hua-bing; CHANG; Xue-ling; LIU; Ming-xing; MEI; Zhi-nan; GUO; Guo-ning 刊期:2005年第02期

    This paper reviewed the study of triptolide-loaded nano delivery systems (NDOS) in our group during the past. It was investigated for the preparation, characterization, pharmacology and toxicology of solid lipid nanoparticles (SLN), microemulsion and polymeric nanoparticles. The results indicated that the NDS present...

  • A microarray biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry and its applications

    作者:JINGang 刊期:2005年第02期

    The concept of biosensor based on imaging ellipsometry and its primal working system was reported in 1995. Since then, some microarray biosensors for biomedical purposes have been developed. It based on the affinity between biomolecule such as antigen and antibody, a selective surface with bioactivity in matrix and o...

  • Study of nano biosensors

    作者:CAIXin-xia 刊期:2005年第02期

    Point of care testing (POCT) based on biosensors has been recently received increasingly interesting in the world. Using bioseensor technology for biomedical analysis has demonstrated many advantages. However, low cost and high accurate biosensors for clinical analysis, particulary for POCT is still a common problem ...

  • 生物可吸收可降解纳米材料的新进展

    作者:张阳德; 李晓莉; 顾红; 李坚 刊期:2005年第02期


  • 腹部局部皮瓣联合髂腰皮瓣修复左上肢电烧伤1例

    作者:杨兴华; 肖目张; 李娜 刊期:2005年第02期

    1临床资料 患者男,7岁,高压电烧伤左手、左前臂1天入院.入口为左手掌,出口为左肘部.人院查体:生命体征正常,中指远节及左小指呈黑色,左手掌侧、手腕屈侧及前臂尺侧下1/2为Ⅲ°烧伤.手部及腕部活动障碍,左手各指正常皮肤感觉较右手稍差,左手及前臂肿胀张力大.于入院当天行左手、腕部及前臂桡侧切开减压.换药、抗感染治疗.

  • 福德致过敏性休克的急救护理1例

    作者:苏双意; 郭森 刊期:2005年第02期

    2004年7月该科为1例左手中指外伤患者静脉滴注生理盐水100mL+福德0.6 g,15 min后患者出现休克症状,经及时抢救而脱险.现将有关急救护理报告如下:

  • 中德纳米生物技术国际德国信息
