首页 期刊 中国全科医学 British Journal of General Practice 2016年10月目次选登 【正文】

British Journal of General Practice 2016年10月目次选登

初级保健   精神科医生   全科医学   friendly   心理健康  

摘要:·General practice forward view:a new charter for general practice?全科医学展望:全科医学的新章程·The mental health of young people:the view from primary care年轻人的心理健康:从初级保健的角度考虑·Childhood bullying:implications for general practice儿童欺凌:对全科医生的启示·Closing the gap between physical and mental health training减少身心健康训练的差距·Not such friendly banter?GPs and psychiatrists against the systematic denigration of their specialties不友好的玩笑吗?


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