首页 期刊 艺术研究 Money Immobility and Mobility in Moliere’s Last Comedies 【正文】

Money Immobility and Mobility in Moliere’s Last Comedies

作者:Euphrosyne; Efthimiadou Hellenic; Air; Force; Academy; Dekeleia; Greece
channels   of   capital   circulation   money  

摘要:In the 17th century society reflected in Moliere’s comedies money appears to be a fundamental power:Above all,it is defined as a way of life.From a certain point of view,in Moliere’s last works money appears tracing the channels of capital circulation or emphasizing the capital immobility marked by the avarice of the main characters.Money and particularly the inheritance or even the dowry represent an important value for the times and highlight a power in these works,which is by no means to be despised.On the one hand,we will be interested in the money mobility and immobility in Moliere’s last three comedies while sketching the socio-professional framework of his times,that of the bourgeoisie,and on the other,we will explore the psychological attitudes of the characters towards money and the means used to realize their own ambitions.


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