首页 期刊 海外英语 The Analysis of Discrepancies between English for Specific PurposesTeaching and Needs Analysis of Job Requirements 【正文】

The Analysis of Discrepancies between English for Specific PurposesTeaching and Needs Analysis of Job Requirements

作者:黄千 中山大学新华学院外国语学院; 东莞510520
english   for   specific   purposes   teaching  

摘要:This paper aims at strengthening teachers’understanding as well as optimizing future curriculum design of ESP(Eng⁃lish Specific Purpose).According to the literature ESP is one of the means for language learning and teaching,which is based on learners’needs.By adopting needs analysis,teachers are able to deeply and appropriately understand the needs from students and the real-life settings like working places in society.According to the three cases that have been reviewed,there are always discrep⁃ancies between teaching and learning in the classroom,and the real-life needs of job requirements in society.Combining the curric⁃ulum design of ESP and the method of needs analysis is an effective way to close the discrepancy.


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