
大学英语杂志 省级期刊

College English


  • 走自己的路

    作者:尼尔·西蒙 付文中 刊期:2015年第08期

    Don’t listen to those who say,"It’s not done that way."Maybe it’s not,but maybe you will.Don’t listen to those who say,"You’re taking too big a chance1."Michelangelo would have painted the Sistine Floor,and it would surely be rubbed out by today.2Most importantly,don’t listen When the little voice of fear i...

  • 美国大学介绍(三):地区性综合大学(英文)

    作者:Steven Simpson 刊期:2015年第08期

    For the next several months,my entries will be written as letters to my daughter,Clare.This is the third letter in the series,and it will be about the strengths and weaknesses of comprehensive universities.Dear Clare,In my last two letters I wrote to you about large research universities and small liberal arts colleg...

  • “结婚过时”危害多多

    作者:Trish Regan 海威 刊期:2015年第08期


  • 巴拉的华人

    作者:大卫·沃克(澳大利亚) 李尧 刊期:2015年第08期


  • 赢家和输家的惊人差异(英文)

    作者:张祖平 刊期:2015年第08期

    Successful people are winners in our society.But what are the factors that make them so different from others?Winners operate in a totally different frame of mind compared to losers and that is why they always get the results that losers dream of.So read on for the list of 32 differences between winners and losers.

  • 给初入职场毕业生的十条建议

    作者:Craig Cincotta 张成伟 李娟 刊期:2015年第08期

    对于成千上万的应届毕业生而言,毕业有两方面的意义:它既是结束也是开始。为帮助他们完成好从课堂到职场的过渡,下面有十个小建议:For thousands of recent graduates across the country,graduation holds a two-sided definition:It is both the end of something and the beginning of something.For many it is the transition they have...

  • 寻人(英文)

    作者:赵瑞峰 刊期:2015年第08期

    Last week,Vicky,a distraught1 wife went to the local police station in Wigan,Lancashire,along with her next-door neighbour,Pauline,to report that her husband was missing.The policeman asked for a description of the missing man.Vicky described him clearly and in detail,"He is 35 years old, 6 feet 4 inches, has dark e...

  • Drumi:不用电的小洗衣机

    作者:Christopher Snow 清朗 刊期:2015年第08期

    It’s like a salad spinner...for your underpants.它看上去像个沙拉搅拌机……但可以洗内裤。看多了"发现"频道的阿拉斯加节目后,你可能慢慢会觉得自己也能在丛林中生存。只要一个木屋,几本好书,一把猎枪,足矣。对不对?或许是吧。听上去不错,但现实很可能要严酷得多。如,当你脱离了电网,怎么洗衣服呢?你可以长途跋涉到斯莫基熊的鲑鱼溪,...

  • 狗狗也献血(英文)

    作者:张祖平 刊期:2015年第08期

    If man's best friend is a dog,then who is a dog's best friend?That would be Rover,Glow,Ivan,or Raina.These four dogs donated blood to other dogs.And they did it without having to travel far from home.They visited an animal bloodmobile1.Similar to the Red Cross vehicles for humans,the University of Pennsylvania's ...

  • 新型材料石墨烯(英文)

    作者:A.A.K. 栀子 刊期:2015年第08期

    By weight,it is 100 times stronger than steel,yet it can stretch by as much as a quarter of its length.Graphene is the thinnest solid ever known,indeed the thinnest possible:it is a sheet of linked carbon atoms just one atom thick.It is a great conductor of electricity and nearly transparent to visible many surprisi...

  • 危言耸听:数字技术使人脑退化?

    作者:Christopher Chabris Daniel Simons 丁亚军 刊期:2015年第08期


  • 想上厕所,钱很重要(英文)

    作者:Jocelyn Kaise 左连凯 刊期:2015年第08期

    When nature calls,about 1 billion people in the developing world still head to an open field,the bushes,or a body of water to defecate1.The practice has contributed to high rates of diarrheal2diseases,especially in India,where more than half of the people don’t use latrines3.Prime Minister Narendra Modi,who took pow...

  • 即使是从未谋面的朋友也能帮你减肥(英文)

    作者:佘巧耘 刊期:2015年第08期

    Shedding kilos is harder than putting them on,which is why the weight-loss industry is so big.1Its latest manifestation is online weightmanagement sites:social networks for the plump2in which participants can set a target weight and monitor their progress towards it.As with other social networks, they can also get h...

  • 阿姆斯特丹如何成为世界自行车之都(英文)

    作者:长亭 刊期:2015年第08期

    Anyone who has ever tried to make their way through the centre of Amsterdam in a car knows it:the city is owned by cyclists.1They hurry in swarms through the streets,unbothered by traffic rules,taking precedence2whenever they want,rendering motorists powerless by their sheer numbers. Cyclists rule in Amsterdam and g...

  • 对国际足联免责的质疑(英文)

    作者:海燕 刊期:2015年第08期

    Corruption in football:The arrest of officials should be the first stage in a thorough cleansing of a discredited organisation.足球腐败:国际足联官员的被捕应该是彻底清查足联的开始。Few arrests can have provoked such Schadenfreude as those of seven senior officials of FIFA,football's world governing body,early on Ma...