
大学英语杂志 省级期刊

College English


  • 一直等到我给你消息

    作者:唐若愚 刊期:2013年第05期

    This song is about Maria, a close friend of mine, who lost herself in drugs. She told me to wait for her, but guess what...

  • 猛男·美男

    作者:郭立秋(译注) 刊期:2013年第05期


  • 中国楼市是否即将见顶?

    作者:陆久霖 刊期:2013年第05期

    China's economy has only just turned the comer1 after seven consecutive quarters2 of slowing growth, but people are already looking for signs of overheating.

  • 生活是火焰

    作者:段海生(译析) 刊期:2013年第05期

    生活是火焰,不是度日; 生活是能量,不是实物。

  • 全球经济将何去何从?

    作者:陆照鸿 刊期:2013年第05期

    There's a back to the future feel about the global economy right now. The only question is back to what future? The obvious answer considering the events of the past week is the 1970s. There are plenty of echoes in the world today of the currency instability, rising inflation, rising unemployment and political unce...

  • 从法律到内衣:哈佛毕业生创业之路

    作者:刘梦玲 刊期:2013年第05期

    Cross Victoria's Secret with Warby Parker and you'd end up with Ampere. The NYC-based e-commerce lingerie startup is taking a novel approach to selling its underwares by shipping customers muhiple sizes of their chosen garment and allowing them to keep only the one that fits.

  • 集邮迷

    作者:周采真 刊期:2013年第05期

    Seven days a week Mr. Herst writes, talks, and even dreams about stamps. For him, no hobby or sport can match the thrill of the chase after an elusive' stamps or the joy of an unex- pected discovery. Furthermore, he has found that a common in- terest in philately2 can form the basis of friendships that go be- yond d...

  • 台式电脑人气大减

    作者:清朗(编译) 刊期:2013年第05期


  • 应对小行星撞击

    作者:沧来(编译) 刊期:2013年第05期


  • 做每件事的最佳时间

    作者:路遥 刊期:2013年第05期

    Could you pack more into each day if you did everything at the optimal time? A growing body of research suggests that paying attention to the body clock, and its effects on energy and alertness, can help pinpoint the different times of day when most of us perform our best at specific tasks, from resolving conflicts ...

  • 艾滋病可治愈了吗?

    作者:长亭(编译) 刊期:2013年第05期

    在新闻界要造出某种声势.三个数据点足矣。而从三月三日起,艾滋病研究者们希望也许两个能够。因为那天约翰·霍普金斯大学的Deborah Persaud宣布.她有一名病人的艾滋病病毒感染已治愈。尽管该声明流于一般性解释,

  • 只有在动物身上皮毛才是天然之物

    作者:费影娉(译注) 刊期:2013年第05期


  • 《少年派的奇幻漂流》影评

    作者:黄生友 刊期:2013年第05期

    Life of Pi is a curious juxtaposition of the mundane and the majestic; a film that strives for something grander than what it perhaps achieves. At times, the simple story -- one of spirituality and survival -- exudes a quiet, hypnotic power, but there are also instances when it strikes a jarringly wrong note, particu...

  • 香港电影节重头戏:第五个叶问

    作者:周碧书 刊期:2013年第05期

    A documentary about basketball sensation Jeremy Lin, a Song Dynasty war epic and the latest incarnation of Ip Man are in focus at this year's Hong Kong International Film Festival.

  • 你要转专业吗?

    作者:陆海空 刊期:2013年第05期

    All college students have moments when they doubt their choice of college major. This may happen in the middle of the night as you're desperately trying to complete a project, or when you're trying in vain not to fall asleep in that painfully dull required class. For most students, these moments of trepidation are ...